Times are tough. When times are tough, every penny you make and spend makes a huge difference. There are lots of ways to save money, that don't feel like so much work. I want to explore different ways to save money by taking the frugal approach. Next time you want to spend that hard earned dollar, just ask yourself, “what would a penny pincher do?”
There are some very simple things you can do around the house to save a buck. Just by turning your thermostat down a couple degrees in the winter and up a couple in the summer can save you 3% in energy costs, per degree. You can also change your light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs. These bulbs use a lot less electricity and last a lot longer. And although your light bulbs are going to last longer, don't test that theory by leaving the lights on when you aren't using them. Turn your electronics off also, especially your computer. Planting trees around the outside of your house to help keep it shaded can save you hundreds of dollars a year. Keeping your house more energy efficient can be just as good for the environment as it can be for your pockets.
Having a car can also mean having a lot of extra expenses, but since it's hard to survive without one these days, there are ways to save there too. Get regular tune-ups, it keeps your car running better and saves on gas mileage. You should drive the speed limit and try to avoid stop and go traffic or accelerating to fast. These are just a few simple things that can be done to help put money back in your pocket.
1. Care One Credit Counseling. April 2, 2007. 101 Ways to Save One Dollar A Week.
Very interesting post. A lot of people think that by rolling their window down so they're not using up the AC will save them gas. If you're driving over 40mph, you're better off using the AC because of the draft that will slow your car down if you were to have your window down. Just my little two cents. :)
Good post! Your examples are effective and useful. I can see that there are many things I can do to save some money around the house. And good use of references. Now just don't forget to add an in-text citation mentioning each reference where used.
Good topic for the current economy and situation of most. My wife and I are always looking for ways to make money go as far as it can. Another cost saving thing you can do is install a tankless water heater. This will save a ton off of your electric/gas/propane bill (depending on the type you have). My dad installed one and reduced his propane bill by about 30%.
I really liked your post and your ideas on how to save some cash around the house by doing little things. I am about the only person in my house who runs around to make sure that there isn't extra light on. Usually my eldest brother and younger sisters are careless about leaving their lights and compters on. Sometimes when I wake up in morning and find out my idiot brother had left the light on in the hallway. It makes me really mad because one he had wasted so much electricity for nothing and second he didn't realize we would be paying for this waste. My mom usually yells at me for turning all the lights off and keep dark.
I still try my best to turn off the extra lights as soon as I get home.
It's a good idea that you have a blog on this topic. Many people have been effected by the market problems and don't know how to cope with them. Hopefully other people outside of our class will see your blog and know that they can get help. Got any advice on how to win the lotter?
I really liked your blog because I am always looking for ways to save money. I agree that with the economy so bad we need to come up with different ways to save more money. I always just take my change and put it in my car so that whenever I need change I can just use the spare change I already have that way Iam not breaking my dollar bill. Overall keep coming up with new ways because I would love to know them. tc Sehrish
Thank you for the encouragement and realistic tips. While the economy is traumatizing many of us, there are some positive things in life - we are all alive. Frugal is a good thing to be and I genuinely want to learn to practice what you preach. Some thoughts for future posts would be how to cook on a frugal budget without eating ramen noodles and hotdogs everyday.
I like your recommendations on how we can save money; what I started doing avoiding going to the stores, why tempt yourself. It’s amazing if you only shop when you run out of something or really need something you can save a lot of money. I even cut down on wasting food, food is so expensive. You have do more than just turn the lights off, you need to unplug them, that save on energy cost.
What I recommend for everyone is to stop buying water, buy one good water bottle and get their water from the faucet.
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